Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
It has been a tradition for many years to buy a delicious rotisserie chicken with potatoes during the holidays. The smell alone when you walk into the market and get near the stall. Your mouth is watering! To make this recipe at home you will need an oven that also has a rotisserie spit. Of course a regular chicken from the oven is also very tasty, but chicken on a rotisserie in the oven is the ultimate way to prepare it. A large part of the success is of course also marinating the chicken. Do this at least a day in advance, or even two. This is how you make the ideal chicken at home. chicken oven dish

Rotisserie chicken with potatoes
As I wrote before, the success of rotisserie chicken with potatoes is also in the seasoning of the chicken, both on the outside and on the inside. During my holidays in France or Belgium I often immediately buy a lot of herbs. They have nice bunches of dried herbs.

The well-known Bouquet garni is a bundle of herbs that is often used in cooking. You can easily make this yourself by tying the herbs together with a piece of twine. In addition to using Bouquet garni, you can also experiment with dried herb bunches. An interesting idea is to make a small cut in the chicken skin and push pieces of garlic between it. This will further improve the flavor of your rotisserie chicken. These simple techniques really add an extra dimension to your culinary creations!

Persillade is used in this dish. Persillade is difficult to obtain in the Netherlands. I wrote an article on my blog on how to do it can make yourself . You can also order a special Delicious Happen version here order from van Beekum. You will then receive it quickly at home.

Here you will find the complete recipe with all the ingredients you need. I hope you have fun preparing the dish below.

Rotisserie chicken with potatoes
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- 1 whole kip
- 1 bouquet garnished
- 1 citroen
- olive oil
- 1 zak mixed potatoes
Herbs and spices
- 2 el Persillade (spice mix)
- 1 el Paprika powder
- 1 el curry powder
Nice and easy: click on the logo of your favorite supermarket to add the ingredients.
And this is how you make it:
- Take the chicken and pour a little olive oil over it. Spoon the persillade, paprika and curry on top and massage all over the chicken. Place the chicken in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to marinate.
- Thread the chicken on a spit. Then push the bouquet garni and two lemon halves into the cavity. Then push the skewers of the rotisserie firmly into the chicken.
- Turn the oven on to the grill position (so that the chicken starts to turn). Place a bowl under the chicken to catch the fat. First let it grill on low power for 15 minutes. Then increase it to medium power.
- Cut the potatoes in half and place them in a bowl. Pour over a dash of olive oil and sprinkle with a tablespoon of persillade. Then place this bowl under the chicken. (Do this in the last half hour the chicken is in the oven.)
- Remove the chicken from the spit and the potatoes from the oven and serve.
- Delicious bites!
Do you want to make even more tasty chickens such as Rotisserie Chicken with potatoes? Then try these:
Blood orange chicken from the römertopf
Soft butter chicken from the römertopf
Whole chicken from the aerofryer with lime
Chicken on a rotisserie in the oven
Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on Facebook, Pinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!
Want to try more recipes like rotisserie chicken with potatoes? Take a look at the recipe below
Chicken thigh stewed in Italian herbs
chicken oven dish
looks good and deserves to be followed!
Thank you! It is also a very tasty recipe, and fun to make. Gr Francine
wow this is delicious. I'm definitely going to make this one.
Grilled chicken delicious!
Tried tonight.
Very tasty!
Very nice to hear! Gr Francine
Sooooo nice this
That's completely right! We are big fans here at home.
Had dinner again yesterday. Can't get enough!