Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
The end of the year, another year gone! And this year, time seemed to have passed faster than ever. And that while the year was full of lockdowns, working from home and staying at home. In this Newsletter Delicious Happen December 2020 we look back on the past year and take a careful look at the new year.
Developments at Delicious Happen
Running a website is almost a day job in itself because the work is never finished! There is always something to improve or change. From the "looks" of the website to the content of what is actually on the website. Last year we had a monster job adding recipe cards to all 800+ recipes! This allows you to print any recipe, email it to yourself, pin it to Pinterest and give me a 5 star “rating”. A number of guest foodies also joined the Delicious Happen team. And also this newsletter in which I keep you informed every month about the goings on at Delicious Happen.
Collaborations at Delicious Happen
A site and job like this can't really exist without collaborations with great companies. More and more brands and wonderful food entrepreneurs know where to find me. As a result, nice reviews, nice recipes, nice giveaways and beautiful blogs come online. Here Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and the website interweave into a beautiful food platform where there is something for everyone! Recipe development for companies is also taking a big step. You don't see much of that here on the site because it mainly happens behind the scenes. Well you can join Njamtv I found ten recipes, and I hope to be able to add a few nice recipes there next year.
Pandemic, travel, lockdown
It was just a weird year that 2020! In March we had no idea what to expect. And despite all the lockdown's and home work moments, we were lucky here and there holiday to be able to celebrate. I consider myself very happy with that. Due to the many working at home, a lot of new recipes have been developed. And my photography has also taken flight. Better and better, more and more beautiful and still developing. We are now all in a complete lockdown when this Newsletter Delicious Happen comes out December 2020. And that will certainly last well into January!
Looking ahead to 2021
What awaits us? There really isn't much to say about that! With regard to Delicious Happen, there are certainly already requests for new collaborations. So I can get started with that and start cooking lots of new recipes. That remains the biggest source of inspiration here. Tasty recipes, easy to make the slogan that still fits me perfectly.
The toppers of 2020 you can read them in the newsletter Delicious Happen December 2020
And what did you like best? What is the most visited? Which recipes are the most cooked? Here's an overview:
The famous chicken thigh in mushroom cream sauce More than 150 (!) thousand times searched.
Many people also started working with my summer desserts.
And this one chicory with brie and apple from the oven was well appreciated.
The Greek week was very well received with the topper the Stifado .
And a nice one French onion soup found you too.
I would like to thank everyone for your nice comments, your 5 star ratings on my recipes! It remains super special to see all the photos from your kitchens with the dishes made on the basis of my recipe cards. Keep cooking, keep enjoying, and stay Delicious bites visits!
Thanks, love Francine and see you next year.
Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on Facebook, Pinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!
Newsletter Delicious Snacks December 2020
The real person!
The real person!
Has been a great year!
Many delicious recipes were prepared. Was a great year, looking forward to it again in 2021
They were great recipes, I made a lot of them
Will definitely be making many dishes from you again in 2021,
It's going to be fun for all of us
The real person!
The real person!
Very nice to hear! Have fun cooking in 2021! gr Francine