Tex Mex attorney burrito

Pulled pork attorney burrito

Street food but at home! Have you ever bought such a nice thick burrito? A whole meal in itself and not at all complicated to make yourself. This time we used pork shoulder, buttery soft pork that is cooked and ready to use. So we make a kind of “pulled pork” burrito with it, the meat is very easy to process. Ideal because it saves you a lot of preparation time this way. A delicious pulled pork recipe.

pulled pork attorney burrito

This way you will have a professional, well-filled burrito in your hand in no time! We fill it with some other ingredients that you probably already have at home. Get started with this Pulled pork attorney burrito.

Pulled pork attorney burrito

You can buy these products online or at the wholesaler. At the moment there are three types of meat, including pork shoulder. The meat is cooked in its own fat but has no overpowering flavor. This makes it very good to use for a pulled pork pork shoulder burrito like this one.

Tex Mex Attorney Burrito Chef Confit

Do you want to make this pulled pork attorney burrito extra spicy? Chop up a red pepper. Add a teaspoon to each burrito and spice is guaranteed! Made the burrito but want to eat it later? That's very possible. Remove the aluminum foil when you heat it in the microwave.

It can also be done in an oven, then you can leave the foil around it.

pulled pork Chef Confit

Here you will find the complete recipe with all the ingredients you need. I hope you have fun preparing the dish below.

Tex Mex attorney burrito

Pulled pork attorney burrito

Want to make a delicious burrito quickly and easily? I have a great recipe for you.

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Hallway: Main dish
Kitchen: Tex-Mex
Keyword: guacamole, rice, salsa, black beans
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Author: Francine
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You need:


  • 1 tin can Chief Confit attorney
  • 200 gram rice
  • 100 gram iceberg lettuce
  • 8 el red salsa
  • 2 avocados - mashed
  • 1 Red onion - XNUMX onion - shredded
  • ½ citroen - the juice of this
  • 4 el black beans
  • ¼ cucumber - in small pieces
  • 4 el grated cheese
  • 4 roti sheets - (or thin tortillas)

Herbs / Spices:

Nice and easy: click on the logo of your favorite supermarket to add the ingredients.

And this is how you make it:

  • Cook the rice according to the package.
  • In the meantime, slice the cucumber, chop the red onion.
  • Open the can of Attorney and take out the meat. Pull the meat apart with your fingers and place in a bowl. (the meat is cooked, you don't have to do anything with it).
  • Take a bowl and mash the avocados in it and pour in the lemon juice. Place the chopped red onion in the bowl and mix well. Season with salt, pepper and chili powder. (this is a very simple guacamole)
  • Heat the roti plates (or tortillas) in a frying pan on both sides for 15 seconds per side.
  • Tear off a sheet from a roll of aluminum foil and place the roti plate on it. Scoop some warm rice on top first, then some attorney, top with a tablespoon of salsa, guacamole, some grated cheese, the black beans, cucumber, and iceberg lettuce. Then fold a kind of envelope from the roti plate and fold the sides inwards so that nothing can fall out. Then roll it up very tightly and firmly.
  • Repeat this 3x with the other roti plates and make 4 burritos.
  • Serve immediately, delicious bites!
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Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on FacebookPinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!

pulled pork recipe

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