Dill, a herb with a very recognizable taste. I really had to get used to it myself and that took quite a few years. This dill potato recipe with red onion… [Read further]
Tag: delicious
Congratulations always something to celebrate! Cake! Who doesn't love it? And of course we can always come up with a reason to eat a tasty cake. Now am… [Read further]
Food photography: Not my most beautiful photo of a recipe ever. The tastiest orzo risotto you will eat in a long time! Food photography is of course very important for a food blogger. You want… [Read further]
After a visit to the sauna, the author didn’t feel like eating fast food and decided to make a meal with leftovers. This led to the creation of “the unexpected chicken wrap.” The wrap is made with a filling of onion, corn, chicken shawarma, guacamole and arugula, and is a tasty solution for using up leftovers.
Got. I always include it neatly when I receive something from a company. I may then make a recipe with it, but that is not always necessary... [Read further]
Beets. I love them and luckily they are available all year round. And nowadays more than just the red beet. For example, you also have the… [Read further]