week 1 week vlog delicious

Week 1 weekvlog Delicious bites

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

So! you the first week did you get through the new year well? Are you still busy with the good intentions or are you going to start now, just like me? The year started well here with a visit to Belgium and Amsterdam. Watch in week 1 weekly vlog Delicious Happen to see what I've done.

Week 1

De week started taking my mother-in-law back home. Sleepover was over and we are slowly returning to normal life. But not before I had been to Belgium for a while. I had an appointment with Virginia. she is a Belgian food blogger who I met during the kickoff event of Bonduelle. Super nice girl and we had a nice click right away, so I had to go to her sometime.

She actually lives in Ghent. And what a nice city that is! Of course we had a nice meal and walked through Ghent. Too little time to see everything so I would definitely like to come back again. But Virginie will first come to the Netherlands in the spring and then we will discover Den Bosch.

week 1 week vlog delicious bites
We ate these delicious pizzas in Ghent.

weekend 1 weekly vlog Delicious Happen: Visit the event

And then it was time to go again Amsterdam to go. To the catering industry in the Rai. What and situation was that, because on the highway it was immediately indicated that the Rai was completely full and I had to go to another parking garage. That turned out to be a large area with shuttle buses. All very well arranged. You can read about what I saw and experienced there later in a separate blog.

What all came online?

  • And check out this one too roti pizza with duck breast
week 1 week vlog delicious
Leave it in the fridge overnight to let the flavors infuse.

Expected for week 2

For week 2 is there a nice bloggers lunch on the agenda in Tilburg. I have been invited to taste some dishes from the card at a nice brasserie. But I'm also going out for Social Deal and somewhere to eat a delicious snack… Plenty to do again, so watch next week again!

Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on FacebookPinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!

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