Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites

Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

WOW… yes in capital letters yes because what a great week I say behind it! A lot of miles on the counter but they were more than worth it. From baking cakes in the lion's den to catching the red king from the Oosterschelde. But also celebrating my husband's birthday. Take a quick look at the week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious Happen.

Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites

De week started very well and especially early. Asked because Jools wanted her hair braided in those beautiful braids. And if there's one thing I can't do, it's that… Many youtube videos later, I still can't do it. So we were already at the hairdresser's at eight o'clock in the morning. And all because we drove to Oisterwijk together in the afternoon. I was invited to participate in a baking competition with Robèrt van Beckhoven of Heel Holland Bakt. Read how that went here in this blog!

Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites
In the photo with Robèrt, red cheeks from the nerves.

Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites

Also crazy about lobster?

Also in Week 13.19 weekly vlog Delicious Happen again an “on the road again” and this time it brought me to Zeeland. I drove to the harbor of Zierikee to be there when the very first Oosterschelde lobster was caught. A wonderful afternoon because we got a lot of tasty snacks and of course the lobster! How this day went exactly I described in this nice blog with many more beautiful photos from that day.

Cake, cake, cake….

And then came the weekend…. Saturday first the birthday of a friend of Jools and then on Sunday the birthday of my husband! You will understand that more than enough calories have been eaten and this coming week will be all about balance….

Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites cake
Beautiful pastries from patisserie De Rouw from Vught.
What all came online?

I have written all but one of the blogs and you will find the links above. I will post the blog about my visit to "de Oude Schut" in Weert this upcoming week.

Expected for week 14.19

You may have already seen it pass by somewhere, but I go for it next to work Delicious bites also working at the marketing department of the Kitchen Champion. So this will take some hours of work. I need to get some rhythm between these two activities. Posting here will continue, by the way. Coming week there are plenty of recipes online again. Till next week!

Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on FacebookPinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!

Week 13.19 weekvlog Delicious bites

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