Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
What a wonderful week it was again! We started in Zeeland, now my second home so often I have been there lately. Then to Tilburg to attend a fun workshop and great event. And to top it all off, a food bloggers event in our own village! Yes, my own village was completely in the spotlight this week! Read and watch the week 21.19 week vlog Delicious Happen
Week 21.19 weekvlog Delicious bites
I don't say no to an invitation to sail a bit on a boat and open the hanging culture mussel season! Certainly not if the dish we were going to eat on board would be prepared by a three-star chef. We had fantastic weather and the atmosphere was great! Once again it shows how beautiful and fantastic products from the Netherlands are.
Strangely enough, almost all these mussels go to our southern neighbors, who also know how to make very tasty dishes with them. Chef Gert de Mangeleer prepared a huge pan with these mussels and that was really enjoyable!

On Thursday I drove to Tilburg to the Princess influencers event. Frankly, I never use that word myself. It does have a bit of a negative connotation to it though. Of course we advertise for companies, but I always choose what suits me and what I am enthusiastic about. Not so much with the idea of "influencing" you a lot.
So we also received a very nice workshop from Tess Milne about the use of social media and what you can do with it. All very instructive, and yes, I will probably enter into a paid partnership with this company. I think they sell very nice products.

Week 21.19 Delicious Bites: Kids kids kids….
Friday was the day! the kids event here in Andel at Lekker Gemekker. What a very nice day we had. Now I can already tell everything here, but you guessed it…. there will be an extensive blog about it with lots of nice photos and enough information about this company and our fun afternoon.

What came online this week?
My travelogue about Tholen
This delicious salmon
Expected for week 22.19
Next week a week at home behind the PC, doing a lot also means a lot of writing! But at the weekend a nice visit to a Keuken Kampioen store, there is a nice chef doing his trick… I say see you next week, love Francine
Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on Facebook, Pinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!