Week 29 weekvlog Delicious bites

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

HotHotHot people! What temperatures huh?! Everything is a little quieter here than usual. Of course there is plenty of cooking and all those recipes have to be written out. But when it comes to events, it is quiet here for a while. We're almost going on vacation and I notice that I really need it for a while! We didn't stand still completely so take a look in week 29 weekly vlog Delicious Happen to see what all happened.

Week 29 started very well on Wednesday when Jaap's colleague came to train with us. The men are training for a full marathon, so there's a lot of running involved. Stephan brought us delicious Bossche Bollen from Jan de Groot and oh oh oh they are so delicious! Friday was the last day of school for Jools. She only had to go to school for half a day and towards the end of the morning I walked up to her and we got a nice pastry to celebrate the start of the holidays!

The weekend was all about taking it easy and enjoying the weather. Just do nothing and have a nice swim and the slide in the pool. Apply well and drink plenty of water.

The best of the week was again the recording afternoon at the Kitchen Champion. An extra recording was planned because of the summer promotion and they wanted to have a nice video for that. Well say no more, of course I immediately got to work. You don't have to wait very long for the result. It will be put online at the beginning of August.

week 29 week vlog delicious bites

This week these delicious recipes came online:

This super cool picnic bread

Anouk's favorite recipe

and my Guilty pleasure bean sauce

Expected for week 30:

Jools is going to stay twice this week so Jaap and I have reserved some offline quality time in the sauna. Completely de-stress and nothing at all! I am also going to visit a friend and do all kinds of holiday preparations. It will remain quiet in terms of events until after the holidays. Of course I will continue to cook and develop recipes, so there is plenty going on in the background!

Delicious Happen is a multi-media company, so you can also find me on various social media. follow me on FacebookPinterest en Instagram under @delicioushappen. If you make this recipe I would love it if you tagged me #delicioushappen. A comment below in the comments is also nice of course!

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